Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back to normal!

Wow!  It has been an E-TER-NI-TY(!) since my last blog!  I have tried to get on the computer but the overwhelming sensation to throw up is just too strong and I end up closing the laptop before I even get started.  Well, we have had Christmas, Christmas break, and New Years Eve/Day (with a bad Badger loss) and now the kids are back in school and I find myself at home with just the babies again!

Of course my pregnancy nausea is still lingering like a constant reminder of the little life growing inside of me.  I would say that I hate the nausea that accompanies pregnancy but the truth is that even though it can be difficult to deal with, it is my only reminder of that little baby until I can start to feel him or her moving around so I don't totally hate it.

Christmas was a whirlwind of toys, wrapping paper, driving and SNOW!  We had a ton of snow before during and after the holiday.  Our Christmas Eve mass was wonderfully peaceful except for my two year old who appeared to have taken a five hour energy drink before the mass.  We sat for two and a half hours watching It's a Wonderful Life before church and we were all exhausted but my little man could not be tuckered out.

Christmas was magical as well.  Santa did not disappoint.  He may not bring a lot but he does bring items from the kids' wish lists so they were all very pleased.  We then drove into Madison, reflecting how next year it will be nearly impossible to put any stuff in the car with another kiddo in the car!  The kids opened up gifts from Grandma and Grandpa (Great Grandparents too!) and even though we couldn't stay too long due too extra child energy and of course my nausea, we had a really nice time!

The Packers won!  Yeah!  Now we are in the playoffs and hopeful for a successful post season run.  New Years Eve was uneventful as usual, we were both in bed before the new year.  And New Years Day brought a disappointing end to the Badger season as they lost in the Capital One Bowl.

All in all, our holiday break was a fantastic one and went by way too fast.  Now it is back to the grind.  Christmas decs have been put away and normal life can resume!  Please forgive my lengthy absence, I hope to be back to feeling better in 4 - 6 weeks, if past pregnancies are any indication of how long my nausea will last!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

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