By the way, when did schools require so many school supplies?! When I was a kid I remember having the usual, crayons, markers, scissors, glue, pencils, but now we have to supply glue bottles and glue sticks (16!), crayons, twistables, dry erase markers, binders, cleaning wipes, sharpies, the list goes on! My husband had to take the kids because of my pox and he was SHOCKED at how much stuff he had to take in with him! Lol! He had to take several car loads into the school and he asked the kids to grab their backpacks on the way out the door.
I had to laugh because clearly he hadn't picked the backpacks up or he would have known how incredibly heavy they were! I joked with him that we should tell the kids that if they wanted to go to school they would have to be able to carry their backpack into school themselves. I put my six year old's backpack on her back and she literally toppled backwards under the weight of her overly stuffed backpack! My husband said the kids did a great job at school putting all their stuff in their classrooms and he said the kids were very excited about starting school tomorrow. This didn't surprise me about my six year old. She has wanted to live at school since she was THREE! I thought my four year old would be a little more anxious, and maybe he will be tomorrow, but I was relieved to hear him talking excitedly about school.

Tonight will be about my husband and me making sure that everything is ready and set for the kids tomorrow. That means making sure uniforms are ready, shoes are easily found, lunches are packed along with snacks, backpacks are packed, paperwork is filled out, and that we all get to bed early enough to not be too tired tomorrow! One kiddo in school was a lot of work and there was always something to do or be remembered, I'm a little nervous to find out how much more work it will be with two. You would think the less children you have at home during the day, the easier it would be but that does not seem to be the case! The more kids in school, the more there is to keep track of and younger siblings, traveling husbands, and unplanned illnesses can make keeping up difficult.
All good things must come to an end. Thankfully, this good thing ending leads us into another great thing. We will relish the school year just like we did the summer and we will miss school when we are faced with the last few days of the school year. For now we will just enjoy the moment because there will be so many more moments to enjoy tomorrow!! Please God, watch over my two older children tomorrow. Thank you for the wonderful things they will learn at their much cherished school!
Thanks for reading!
Busy Mommy Blogger
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