OH MY GOODNESS!! My oldest has just lost her first tooth! I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big. I remember how hard she worked to get those little teeth to pop through the gums when she was just seven months old and now, just as quickly as they have come, they will be lost!

I know it must sound silly to be nostalgic about tiny little baby teeth wiggling their way out to make room for some big girl teeth, but it feels like this milestone is bringing us into the next stage of childhood. My little girl has taken her first steps towards becoming a BIG girl (insert tears here!). People always tell you that time flies, but sometimes I get so caught up in the day to day that I feel like I forget to look up and when I do-gasp-my kids are inches bigger and reaching another milestone.
I take a million pictures of my kids and tons of video, even just of everyday stuff because I don't want to forget a moment! I remember how special it was for me to lose my first tooth and to finally be in a grade that is a number and now my oldest has achieved both of these things! The more I look at her, the less she looks like that round, chubby cheeked, gummy baby. Seeing her lose her first tooth and seeing her excitement about getting older, makes me excited, scared, and anxious for each milestone that is yet to come.
Please God, help my daughter face each new chapter of her life with the same excitement she has now. Thank you for the beautiful journey that we, as parents, get to be a part of in our children's lives!
Thanks for reading!
Busy Mommy Blogger
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